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  1. Shannon
    April 17, 2021 @ 5:47 am


    • Admin
      April 18, 2021 @ 8:18 am

      Added! Thanks Shannon.


  2. Pieta
    July 19, 2021 @ 3:39 pm

    July 6, 2021
    TO: Pieta Provenzano
    From: Ruth E. Spencer, Interim Director of Human Resources

    I hope this communication finds you well. If has been reported to me that you have not been wearing your mask properly on a consistent basis. I believe you know from the Campus Updates from the President’s Office, dated June 10, 2020, May 20,2021, and the week of April 12, 2021, the directive was given that those who cannot or do not wish to be vaccinated are required to continue to always keep their mask on properly. On April 16th. you communicated to Dr. Gambino that you “had no intentions of getting vaccinated”, which is your choice. She reminded you, on that same day to: 1) Wear your mask properly, covering the nose and mouth, the entire time you are on campus. 2) You are to maintain 6’ distancing. 3) You are to participate in the weekly pool testing. On April 12, Sue McGlynn communicated to you that you were not following the guidelines and Esther Couret, AVP for HR sent you an email on 1/27/21 on this matter.
    I appreciate your compliance with the daily health screening. This is an important tool, but it is not enough. Our records indicate that you have not complied with the weekly testing protocol, which you were also directed to do and which is required of all staff on campus.
    I would be glad to discuss any difficulty or concerns you may have which legitimately prevent you from following these directives. I do need to remind you that failure to follow directives is insubordination. If you have changed you mind about vaccination and have documentation of the vaccination, then we need only to have a copy of your document.
    Please contact me for an appointment the week of June 21 to discuss your concerns and/or reasons for non-compliance with these directives.

    I work at Dutchess Community College in NY and this is a letter I received. I met with Ruth Spencer and told her I’d be willing to take the Antibody test, but no swab of theirs will touch my body…let alone an experimental metallic agent, etc…so we’ll see what she comes back with. If they do no allow me to take an Antibody test instead of PCR, they can fire me.


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